share your thoughts

We strive to host programs and events that provide you with important information and a great experience. Help us continue to provide high-quality events to our community by sharing your feedback below. Thank you for attending!

    How did you hear about the CURE Epilepsy CARES event?

    What did you enjoy most about the CURE Epilepsy CARES event event? Do you have suggestions for improving the experience for future attendees?

    What CURE Epilepsy resources would you be interested in receiving more information about (click all that apply)?

    Future CURE Epilepsy CARES eventsLeaders in Epilepsy Research Webinar SeriesThe Education Enrichment Fund Scholarship Program

    CURE Epilepsy Champion EventsThe Seizing Life PodcastEpilepsy Research News

    What areas of epilepsy research are you most interested in learning more about (click all that apply)?

    Acquired EpilepsyAdult-Onset EpilepsyCBDPediatric EpilepsyPost-Traumatic Epilepsy

    GeneticsInfantile SpasmsTherapiesSUDEP

    What is your relationship to epilepsy?

    I have epilepsyMy family member has epilepsyMy family member died of a condition associated with epilepsyI am a veteran with epilepsyI am an epilepsy researcher or clinicianI want to volunteer