August 12, 2022
Abstract found on PubMed
It has been well established that traumatic brain injury (TBI) modifies the composition of gut microbiome. Epilepsy, which represents one of the common sequelae of TBI, has been associated with dysbiosis. Earlier study showed that the risk of post-traumatic epilepsy (PTE) after lateral fluid percussion injury (LFPI) in rats can be stratified based on pre-existing (i.e., pre-TBI) gut microbiome profile. In the present study, we examined whether fecal microbiota transfer (FMT) from naïve rats with different prospective histories of PTE would affect the trajectory of PTE in recipients. Fecal samples were collected from naïve adult male Sprague-Dawley rats, followed by LFPI. Seven months later, upon four weeks of vide-EEG monitoring (vEEG), the rats were categorized as those with and without PTE. Recipients were subjected to LFPI, followed by FMT from donors with and without impending PTE. Control groups included auto-FMT and no-FMT subjects. Seven month after LFPI, recipients underwent four-week vEEG to detect spontaneous seizures. After completing vEEG, rats of all groups underwent kindling of basolateral amygdala. Fecal microbiota transfer from donors with impending PTE exerted mild-to-moderate pro-epileptic effects in recipients, evident as marginal increase in multiple spontaneous seizure incidence, and facilitation of kindling. Analysis of fecal samples in selected recipients and their respective donors confirmed that FMT modified microbiota in recipients along the donors’ lines, albeit without full microbiome conversion. The findings provide further evidence that gut microbiome may actively modulate the susceptibility to epilepsy.