Epilepsy is a complex condition that arises from abnormal electrical activity in the brain. It can manifest in various forms, from brief lapses in awareness to severe convulsions. While the exact cause of epilepsy in an individual may not always be clear, researchers have identified several common factors that can contribute to its onset.
On this page, you’ll learn about the six known causes of epilepsy and the diagnostic process physicians use to determine the underlying cause of a patient’s epilepsy.
The symptoms of epilepsy can vary widely depending on the type of seizure and the areas of the brain affected. Common symptoms of epilepsy include:
The hallmark symptom of epilepsy is seizures. Seizures can manifest in various forms, including:
Learn more about the different types of seizures.
A seizure occurs when the brain experiences a sudden, uncontrollable surge of electrical activity, often triggered by factors such as epilepsy, head injuries, infections, high fever, or neurological disorders. This surge can lead to changes in behavior, movements, emotions, and levels of consciousness.
Seizures occur due to sudden, abnormal bursts of electrical activity in the brain, disrupting normal communication between nerve cells. They can be triggered by various factors, including epilepsy, head injuries, infections, high fever, stroke, brain tumors, genetic conditions, or imbalances in blood sugar or electrolytes. In some cases, the exact cause remains unknown.
Some individuals with epilepsy experience auras, which are warning signs that precede a seizure. Auras can manifest as visual disturbances, strange smells or tastes, feelings of déjà vu or jamais vu, or unusual sensations in the body.
During certain types of seizures, individuals may engage in automatic, repetitive behaviors known as automatisms. These behaviors can include lip-smacking, chewing, fidgeting, or repetitive movements of the hands or arms.
Many types of seizures, particularly generalized seizures, can cause loss of consciousness. The person may appear confused, dazed, or unresponsive during and after the seizure.
Seizures can sometimes lead to injuries, such as falls, cuts, or bruises, especially if the person loses consciousness or experiences convulsions during the seizure.
Following a seizure, some individuals may experience a postictal state characterized by confusion, fatigue, headache, muscle soreness, or memory loss. The duration and severity of the postictal state can vary depending on the individual and the type of seizure.
In 2017, the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) introduced an updated tool for diagnosing epilepsy to help medical professionals worldwide provide the best possible care to their patients.
This system, called Classification of the Epilepsies, uses three levels to help physicians accurately diagnose an individual’s epilepsy: seizure type, epilepsy type, and epilepsy syndrome. As you can see from this graphic, it also emphasizes the importance of etiology, or causes, for each level, as this can determine which therapies are appropriate for a given patient.
A structural cause refers to brain abnormalities that are visible on structural neuroimages, such as an MRI. The underlying cause for this etiology can be acquired, genetic, or both.1 A person can acquire structural damage through stroke or head trauma, or it can be caused by genetic mutations during brain development.
When a patient’s epilepsy is the direct result of a genetic mutation, they are considered to have a genetic etiology.1 Epilepsies with a genetic cause can be extremely diverse and the underlying genes are not always known. It’s important to note that genetic epilepsy does not automatically mean that it was inherited, or passed down from a parent, meaning that the mutations can be present in an individual, but not their parents.2 According to the ILAE, there is a 50% chance that a patient with a de novo genetic mutation will pass this trait down to their children.
When a patient has an infection in which seizures are a main symptom, they are considered to have an infectious etiology. Infections are the most prominent cause of epilepsy worldwide. An infection can cause epilepsy by directly impacting the brain cells of the person, or by releasing toxins that causes inflammation and seizures. Some examples of infections which can lead to epilepsy are: 1
A metabolic disorder occurs when the process by which the body makes energy is disrupted or performs abnormally. Your body makes energy from the protein, carbohydrates, and fats in food that you eat. Chemicals break down the food into energy that can be used or stored. In some metabolic disorders, the abnormality affects the brain and increases the risk of epilepsy. Many metabolic epilepsies have a genetic origin (both inherited and de novo), though in extremely rare cases it can be acquired.
Identifying a metabolic cause can have significant implications on how epilepsy is treated.[1,3]
The ILAE has identified eight metabolic epilepsies that are important to know about:
When your body recognizes a foreign agent (such as a virus), it protects itself by initiating an immune response. In some cases, your body may incorrectly identify itself as a foreign entity and begin attacking itself; if that autoimmune response causes you to have seizures, your epilepsy has an autoimmune etiology.5, 6 Examples of autoimmune epilepsy are Rasmussen’s encephalitis (also known as Rasmussen’s syndrome), limbic encephalitis, and GAD65 antibody-associated encephalitis.
As the name implies, epilepsies with an unknown etiology have a cause that is not yet known. In other words, a person can be diagnosed with epilepsy, but the physician cannot make a specific diagnosis beyond that. In some cases, this is because there is still much we do not know about epilepsy; in other cases, this may occur because the patient does not have access to all of the proper diagnostic tests in order for their healthcare professionals to make an accurate diagnosis.[1]
If any of the following happens during a seizure, it’s crucial to seek prompt medical attention:
Seeking medical help in these situations is important for proper evaluation and management of the condition.
A seizure happens when a sudden, uncontrollable surge of electrical activity in the brain disrupts normal function. This can be caused by conditions such as epilepsy, head trauma, infections, high fever, or neurological disorders. As a result, a person may experience changes in behavior, movements, emotions, and levels of consciousness.
Yes, certain types of epilepsy have a genetic component, and a family history of the condition can increase the risk.
No, seizures can have various causes, including fever, head injury, or medical conditions other than epilepsy.
While epilepsy can develop at any age, it is most commonly diagnosed in childhood or after the age of 65.
In most cases, epilepsy is not a progressive condition, meaning it does not worsen over time. However, seizures may become more frequent or severe in some individuals.
While there is currently no cure for epilepsy, treatment options are available to help manage seizures and improve the quality of life for individuals with the condition.