I had a focal seizure in a meeting at work two weeks ago with company executives. Unfortunately, I get no aura nor warning prior to a seizure. I do not remember anything once the seizure started, but I awoke alone in the meeting room. My first thought was that I had fallen asleep during the meeting and would be fired…was already fired, lol. I had not been fired. It slowly dawned on me that I had a seizure of some kind. I was still conscious and in seizure when the meeting ended, and lost consciousness after everyone left the room.
I usually have tonic-clonic seizures, but this was some kind of break through seizure, a focal seizure. Participants told me afterwards that I was conscious but not really aware…I was “out of it”, like I didn’t know what was going on but “faking” it. It reminded one coworker of a person who has “memory and processing issues”. The transition from my normal behavioral state to my focal seizure state was obvious to all. I followed up through email with the attendants explaining that I have epilepsy and that I had a seizure during the meeting.