2019 Educational Enrichment Fund Scholar — University of Brighton
Clare had her first seizure when she was two years old. Throughout her childhood, she tried different medications and explored potential treatment options, including surgery, for which she was not eligible. In her exploration, she discovered the ketogenic diet and her interest in the mechanism of action behind the diet sparked her interest in neuroscience, which she taught herself throughout the years.
At a CURE Day of Science in Boston, Clare met Dr. Kevin Staley whose research had affected her epilepsy. She also conducted research in the lab of Dr. Judy Liu based on questions from inferences of his work. Dr. Staley, impressed by her questions, invited Clare to his lab and to have an internship during college. She visited his lab a few weeks later, and they talked everything neuroscience. Dr. Staley made her believe in herself and think she could do this and change lives.
Clare is one of the lucky one and finally found a drug that works. Never finding a proper drug should not be something happens. Therefore, Clare plans to major in biological sciences and eventually to help patients as both a clinician and researcher. CURE and epilepsy have both impacted her a great deal. Without her epilepsy, she never would have discovered her passion and skills for neuroscience or her passion to help others. Without CURE, she never would have met Dr. Staley, who has her believing she can do this.