So far I’ve been seizure free and my device has been stopping a seizure every 8 or fewer minutes.
I’ve had seizures they think since I was born, but I had my first grand mal seizure in 5th grade. I had them almost every week. I talked to my first neurologist she and said I had Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. She wanted to do surgery on my brain she didn’t want to try any other meds, so I went to Children’s for my neurologist. They decided to do a test and found out that while I was talking my brain was seizing. So I got multiple tests done to see if I was a good fit for the VNS (Vagus Nerve Stimulator). They gave us news that I was a good fit for the VNS, and I got that surgery done. So far I’ve been seizure free and my device has been stopping a seizure every 8 or fewer minutes. I’m grateful for it because my last seizure I couldn’t breathe. So far I haven’t had any.