2019 Educational Enrichment Fund Scholar — Columbia University
Sara was diagnosed with grand mal epilepsy in May 2010. At first, medications were not working. She was in her sophomore year at high school, a time she should have been worrying about homecoming, SATs, and receiving her learner’s permit. Instead, she was in and out of hospitals. Sara required supervision to bathe and operating a vehicle was a laughable notion during that nightmarish time in her life.
Sara found solace in writing. She was often unable to express aloud the feelings of hopelessness, dread, and fear but putting word to paper assuaged her fears by at least giving them a space to exist outside of her body.
With her passion for writing, Sara is obtaining a Master’s degree in Journalism at Columbia University. It is her goal to be an agent of hope for the epilepsy community, using her platform to incessantly tell her story and encourage others to not allow their epilepsy to define nor limit them.
Sara is excited to write about and investigate and report on health science topics. She recently interviewed a well-known CBD entrepreneur on the role of CBD oil in treating epilepsy and other neurological conditions. This interview will be converted into a podcast and broadcast for an audience hungry for information on new waves of epilepsy treatment. Her Education Enrichment Fund scholarship will further her goal of uplifting the voices of people with epilepsy everywhere.