How to Recognize Infantile Spasms

Infantile spasms is a rare and particularly severe epilepsy syndrome that typically begins within the first year of life. Infantile spasms is characterized by subtle seizures which can have large neurological effects and an atypical EEG pattern; these symptoms can lead to large developmental delays and cognitive and physical deterioration.

The video below provides help understanding what signs to look for in a baby you believe has Infantile Spasms. If you want to know more about our Infantile Spasms Initiative, click here.

Source: Infantile Spasms Awareness Network video, produced by the Child Neurology Foundation

Infantile Spasms are a medical emergency. If you recognize movements in your baby like those in the video above, please reach out to your healthcare provider for help. Learn more about this condition on the Infantile Spasms Initiative page.

Learn more about CURE Epilepsy

Diagnostic and Treatment Challenges of Infantile Spasms

Infantile Spasms Initiative

Infantile Spasms: Know the Risks and Take Action