October 18, 2023 / Dr. Richard Goldstein
This week on Seizing Life® in observance of SUDEP Action Day on October 18th, we speak with Dr. Richard Goldstein, Associate Professor of Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School, about the program he directs conducting research into both Sudden Unexpected Death in Pediatrics (SUDP) and the grieving process of bereaved parents.
October 4, 2023 / Kate Kostolansky
This week on Seizing Life® Kate Kostolansky shares her daughter Charlotte’s infantile spasms diagnosis and treatment journey, and explains how these experiences inspired a children’s book designed to help newly-diagnosed families and those around them better understand infantile spasms.
September 20, 2023 / Barbara D'Amora
This week on Seizing Life® we speak with Barbara D’Amora about the life of her son Nicholas, who lived with autism and epilepsy and became an active and inspirational advocate for the autistic community despite being nonverbal. Barbara recalls the early days of Nick’s life and how a program “unlocked” Nick, allowing him to communicate with the world around him and igniting a passion for advocacy that Nick pursued until his passing from a seizure earlier this year.
September 6, 2023 / Kiley Flowers
This week on Seizing Life®, recent college graduate and CURE Epilepsy summer intern Kiley Flowers joins us to talk about Jeavons syndrome and share her personal journey with this rare form of generalized epilepsy.
August 23, 2023 / Clare Phelps
This week on Seizing Life® Clare Phelps shares the difficult diagnosis and frustrating treatment journey of her young daughter Sophie, whose epilepsy has so far been treatment resistant.
August 9, 2023 / Mariah Mayhugh
This week on Seizing Life® Mariah Mayhugh discusses her epilepsy journey, from hiding childhood absence seizures to becoming an active and creative advocate for epilepsy awareness, education, and representation.
July 26, 2023 / Hailey Yoon
This week on Seizing Life®, we speak with Hailey Yoon about the emotional and psychological impacts that childhood epilepsy may have even years after seizures subside.
July 12, 2023 / Dr. Dave Clarke
This week on Seizing Life® Dr. Dave Clarke gives us a thorough overview of the specialists and services available at comprehensive epilepsy centers and offers advice about when and how to access these centers.
June 28, 2023 / Tiffany and Chris Kairos
This week on Seizing Life® we speak with epilepsy advocates and married couple Tiffany and Chris Kairos about the impact that epilepsy has had on their marriage.