Researchers have identified a critical new step in how brain cells function in people with one of the most common forms of epilepsy. This could lead to new treatment approaches for people with drug-resistant epilepsy.
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A team of researchers has demonstrated how to monitor for seizures in newborn infants using a method that catches more instances and can improve the quality of care for infants in hospitals that lack the on-site resources to detect these seizures.
Ketogenic Diet
Data from this study suggests that all 3 dietary regimens significantly reduce seizure burden.
This study supports growing evidence that COVID-19 can affect the central nervous system, although seizures are unlikely a common cause of encephalopathy, according to authors.
Although the rate of correctly remembered seizure elements depends on the seizure type, complete recall of a seizure is almost never obtained.
Study finds that the burden of potentially avoidable epilepsy-related deaths in young adults remains large, with those aged between 16 and 24 having a six-fold increased risk of epilepsy-related death.
The majority of patients are seizure-free five years after epilepsy surgery, according to a unique European collaborative study.
Overview of clinical diagnostic information about neurological involvement of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and clinical presentation of COVID-19, especially in relationship to patients with seizures and epilepsy.