Heartbeat irregularities connected to brain activity abnormalities may lead to the ability to predict eventual epileptic seizures in subjects who suffered physical or infectious brain injuries.
No distinguishable autopsy findings were found between SUDEPs and epilepsy-related drownings when there were no drowning-related signs and no clear evidence of submersion.
ZX008 provided reduction in convulsive seizure frequency in the majority Lennox-Gastaut syndrome patients and was generally well tolerated.
Quality-of-life improvements for people with epilepsy depend more upon addressing psychiatric symptoms than seizures themselves.
Identifying barriers to successful delivery of effective epilepsy transition care is critical to remediating treatment care gaps and building effective future care models.
Pediatric Epilepsy
In children with brain tumors, higher seizure frequency with normal neurologic examination was more prevalent in benign tumors, whereas less frequent seizures with focal weakness and signs of increased intracranial pressure were more indicative of malignancy. Delayed onset of seizures was more often observed in the children with malignant brain tumors. Seizure characteristics play an important role in relation to tumor biology and epileptogenesis in pediatric brain tumors.
Mutations associated with Dravet syndrome in mice led to irregularities in the heart muscle's sodium channels.
This study is investigating whether Lacosamide (Vimpat®)—when taken with current anti-epileptic medicine—helps decrease the number of seizures patients experience