Temporal Lobe Epilepsy, Treatment
These results should lead to a reduction in the number of drugs received and the avoidance of medications with unfavorable cognitive profiles.
Pediatric Epilepsy
Preventative treatment with vigabatrin based on EEG epileptiform activity prior to seizure onset does not improve neurocognitive outcome at 24 months in TSC children.
Genetics, Treatment
By tailoring treatment to individual seizure patterns and pharmacological properties, chronopharmacology offers a personalized approach to improve outcomes in patients with epilepsy.
The COVID-19 pandemic exposed people with epilepsy (PWE) to harmful consequences mainly due to medical shortages and worse life states. During the pandemic, there were delays in the diagnosis of PWE, and doctors' prescription habits changed.
In this study, the impact of epilepsy on experienced self-determination of people with mild intellectual disabilities outweighs the influence of intellectual disabilities.
Pediatric Epilepsy
If disturbed eating behaviors or eating disorders are identified, further evaluation should be directed at detecting other psychopathologies, including suicidality.
Findings from a retrospective study of hospitalized patients with anterior circulation ischemic stroke showed an association between cerebral microbleeds (CMBs) and acute symptomatic seizures (ASS). However, this connection was attenuated after accounting for multiple different covariates.
Rare Epilepsies
There is an opportunity for further research aimed at developing more innovative GABA-targeting therapies.
Ketogenic Diet
This review will cover the history, clinical trials, implementation, current utilization, and future directions of this "alternative" ketogenic diet therapy on its 20-year anniversary.