Poor seizure control was associated with social status and may contribute to negative socioeconomic consequences associated with with idiopathic/genetic generalized epilepsy.
Pediatric Epilepsy
Children most likely to benefit from hemispheric surgery can be selected and counseled through the implementation of a scale derived from a multiple regression model.
More than 400 patients with SCN2A-related disorders described in literature have genetic and clinical data mapped.
This month, we share news of two recent studies using mice to find ways to reduce seizures.
Psychiatric symptomatology, depression, and cognition were stronger determinants of quality of life than seizure frequency in this study population of patients with drug-resistant epilepsy and psychogenic nonepileptic seizures.
Epilepsy has not stopped during this pandemic, and with your help we will continue to drive science forward. See what's new in this month's update.
Pediatric Epilepsy
In the reported literature, corpus callosotomy appeared to be more effective than vagus nerve stimulation for seizure reduction.
This paper examined the issues and challenges of diagnosing autism in a population with a high-risk of epilepsy.