This study is the first to demonstrate that a particular feature of epilepsy—namely the desynchronization of interneuronal populations in the hippocampus—causes deficits in spatial information coding.
These findings suggest that ineffective AEDs should be replaced, rather than introducing additional AEDs to a treatment regimen.
Plus, have your voice be heard and help set the epilepsy research priorities in 2020.
Significant associations were found between ineffective medication and feelings of stigma or embarrassment about epilepsy with perceived prescribing errors.
A 15-fold risk was observed in correlation with the presence of nocturnal GTCS during the last year of observation.
Adopting a universally accepted terminology to describe this disorder could standardize the approach to the illness and facilitate communication between healthcare professionals, patients, their families, carers, and the wider public.
This is the first study to assess attitudes and practices of pediatric neurologists and epileptologists regarding sexual and reproductive healthcare for adolescent and young adult women with epilepsy.
The treatment and control groups improved on measures of sleep quality, quality of life, sleep hygiene behaviors, and dysfunctional beliefs about sleep.
The diagnostic performance of smartphone videos was compared with the diagnostic performances of history and physical examinations and video electroencephalogram monitoring (VEM).