In this month's Epilepsy Research News round-up, we feature stories discoveries on PNES, wearable devices and SUDEP risk, withdrawing from AEDs, and a link between autism and epilepsy.
This study suggests that, in older vulnerable patients with a cognitive disorder, careful consideration of AED initiation and close adverse events monitoring are needed.
This was a questionnaire study that was sent to all neurologists and psychiatrists practicing in Fars province, Iran.
The purpose of this study, therefore, was to prospectively explore patients’ memory regarding seizure elements and to assess the role of seizure types.
Study finds that most women with first-time epileptic seizures during pregnancy continued to suffer from epileptic seizures after pregnancy.
The findings of this study suggest that these symptoms are not just incidental in people with seizures; they are important markers of risk for mental ill health and for suicidal behavior.
Neurelis' patient assistance program supports eligible patients who have no health insurance.
Find CURE news, upcoming events, and a statement from Beth Lewin Dean, CURE CEO, on the Black Lives Matter movement and healthcare disparities.
Pediatric Epilepsy
Study finds early assessment of first seizure onset is crucial for the management of children with epilepsy.