Researcher Lim Hyun-Ho discovered a new 3-D structure and membrane protein mechanism which causes epilepsy and muscle problems.
This article summarizes methodological changes in antiepileptic drug trials and associated advances in knowledge starting from 1938, the year phenytoin was introduced and also the year when evidence of safety was made a requirement for the marketing of medicines in the United States.
Seizures and their consequences affect every aspect of a caregiver’s world: their physical health, emotional health, psychological health, social relationships, education, employment, finances and futures.
A $530,000 grant from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) will allow a University of Lethbridge neuroscientist to investigate whether seizures can be triggered by memory.
Ketogenic Diet, Pediatric Epilepsy
The ketogenic diet could be started in infants as young as 3 weeks old
Antiepileptic drugs such as phenytoin, levetiracetam, and valproic acid may not result in improvements in neurologic outcomes or reductions in seizure activity in patients with spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage.
While early, it is the researchers' hope that these examples will stimulate investigators to leverage data science, computer science, and engineering methods to improve the care and outcome of patients with status epilepticus and other neurological disorders.
Michigan children with epilepsy will see improved outcomes through expanded services funded by a $1.66 million grant that the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) has received.
A recent study suggests that seizures occur after certain defense cells in the brain break down.