The UK’s National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) said it is currently unable to recommend cannabis-based medical products for severe treatment-resistant epilepsy.
Epilepsy and refractory epilepsy is less likely to be associated with stroke in older adult survivors and more likely to be associated with younger age and other factors, according to a recent study published in Neurology.
The unit allows children and their families to play and interact normally while advanced testing takes place.
Repeated, intermittent, acute treatment of patients experiencing seizure clusters with midazolam nasal spray in the outpatient setting was well tolerated over an extended period, with maintenance of efficacy suggesting lack of development of tolerance.
Patients who saw epilepsy specialists were 51% less likely to die during the study than patients who saw non-neurologists. And patients who saw general neurologists were 15% less likely to die.
In addition to online resources for parents doing the back-to-school shuffle, we're thrilled to offer broader educational programming.
In this two-part webinar series, you will gain insight on the different epilepsy emergencies, existing rescue medications, promising research in this space, and what rescue therapies are currently in the pipeline.
The study is one of the largest of its kind to look into the genetic make-up of people with epilepsy.