This comparative overview explores if using multiple drugs at once to treat epilepsy has advantages over using a single drug.
MaRS Innovation will initially invest up to $400,000 to help translate Dr. Eubanks’ discovery into a new treatment for Rett syndrome.
The authors concluded that dementia, especially young onset Alzheimer disease, raises the risk of subsequent epilepsy.
Epilepsy Research UK and Autistica announced a unique collaboration to improve epilepsy treatment for autistic people.
In a new study published in the Journal of Neurosurgery, Dr. Nobis and colleagues at Northwestern University suggest that activation of amygdalar networks is correlated with central apnea during seizures.
Using translationally relevant behavioral tools in combination with traditional assays to measure cognition in animal models, here researchers identify impairments in learning and memory, and enhanced perseverative behaviors in rats with epilepsy
Pediatric Epilepsy
The purpose of this study was to investigate the use and challenges with antiepileptic drugs and juvenile myoclonic epilepsy patients' view of these challenges.
Pediatric Epilepsy
Dr. Thiele is launching a four-month study of 10 patients to test whether an appetite suppressant banned two decades ago, Fenfluramine, might be effective in controlling the syndrome.
The approach stems from a field of mathematics that analyzes large and complex datasets by studying shape representations of the data and its interactions.