"This could be a hugely powerful model to help us understand how brain cells and parts of the brain communicate in humans,” says Su-Chun Zhang, professor of neuroscience and neurology at UW–Madison’s Waisman Center.
Infantile Spasms
A recent study found that Black children and children with public insurance are less likely to receive a standard treatment course for IS.
Pediatric Epilepsy
“These findings show that seizures are much more common than patients’ medical histories suggest, and that further research is needed to determine if seizures are frequent occurrences in sleep-related deaths in toddlers, and potentially in infants, older children, and adults,”
By listening in on the background chatter in the brain, scientists can predict the relationships between different neurons, according to new research.
Ketogenic Diet
The study holds promise as a step toward finding new microbiome-based therapies for pediatric epilepsy patients.
Rare Epilepsies, Treatment
"We believe that tSMS is emerging as an affordable, simple, safe and promising therapy for Dravet patients, alone or complementing the partial effectiveness that has been obtained with other treatments.”
Genetics, Rare Epilepsies
Our research highlights for the first time a CDKL5 target with a link to neuronal excitability. There is evidence that this calcium channel could be involved in other types of epilepsy too.
An Update full of events and the latest updates for the epilepsy community!
“Mozart’s music is beautiful, but unfortunately, we cannot expect relief from epilepsy symptoms from it”, conclude the researchers.